

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Kid Cudi / Gnarls Barkley: Going On

Gnarls Barkley have got the be the band with the most number of really uptempo-but-sad songs ever. My whole "dance and cry" ethos personified! (Or musicalized - new word alert!) This song, Crazy, Smiling Faces... know what I mean?

I know this aint new but this song really describes the place I'm at now. And today's no different! Unlike Kid Cudi it seems, who says he wants to retire. I feel him cos the road is long (longer than most people really realise - more trials than a series of Law & Order) and he's worked very hard. If you can say you're retiring before your 1st album has even dropped, that is a real luxury!! I just dont want him to be in no-love city when it does, cos of his announcement. Cudi gives his reasons, but many of us are hoping its an extended moment of defeatism. A passing phase. Hater-acknowledgment week. So here's my bid to get Cudi to retract his statement. As song and video are both intergalactically great, this is what I class as a MMM (Magic Music Moment) Gnarles Barkley. Going on.

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