

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Im Psychic

One week ago, a thought just popped into my head:

"Hhhmmm, I wonder what happened to that amazing vocal group, En Vogue. They were so good and had some classics".

I went on Spotify and couldn't find my favourite song of theirs, so I went on YouTube, and there they were in all their divalicious glory. 2 days later, I see a post on a blog... "En Vogue To Reform". What!? Well seems I've done it again guys. I've done it again.

I like the quick RnB songs that sound like hiccups and the occasional burp but I was missing a good sing-your-lungs out group, so I hope they come back strong, Dawn in toe. I hope there's more to come. If so, could I have YouTubed it into fruition? I like to think so. And it wouldn't be the first time. (Oh, dont mention it, you're welcome ;P - Tee hee!)

Not one of their more popular songs, but def one of my favourites they ever did.

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