

Sunday 31 August 2008

THE MUTE DIARIES Entry 3: Silent But Deadly

It's been about a week since my last post. That's because this week, like The Hulk... I transformed...


The FRUSTRATION!! Last Monday I woke up in my holiday home in Croydon (maad love to Suzy...) When my housemate asked me how I was, I told her sombrely "I feel like an Artist today." ;( Sweezy SewperStar is not on vacation. She lives inside me! She's trapped and she's NOT impressed. But it's for her own good. Not speaking can be frustrating, but for me, not singing is even moreso. It's what I do, so I was bored of not doing it. I'm a good whistler but it just dont compare. I realised I had to do something before cabin fever and wall-crawling ensued.

Then it hit me. Yes, I need rest, I may even need to have a bed within a 5 minute walking radius at all times, but just because my voice is away, don't mean the rest of me has to be.... I may be quiet, but I'm still killa. Silent, but DEADLY even!!

My mind is generally a flowery place to be, so being inside it ain't half bad most of the time. But I took action JUST before I was tempted to crawl into its dark crevises. Being careful to still stay away from most things work related, I arranged to go to the movies, meet some friends, eat out... even went to the theatre to watch some 'satyrical' apparthied racism. Was great...

Mid-week I went Beatshed (luv to CTM) and saw Michelle's (both of y'all! - thanks for bigging up my blog!) and VLM who told me "you might not be able to talk but you're looking good!!" - well YOU can come again. Really tho, thanks. I'll let my style speak for itself... it may be all I have left! LOL!! - I mean, LQ - Laughing Quietly.

Next day, I got an early text message from my boy who's a photographer saying he could do some shots he'd been promising me...THAT DAY! It was so last minute and I had arranged to go museum that day (no kids, not TopShop) and tho I thought it might be too much like work, I reconsidered... I dont gotta see it like that, just gotta have some fun! So I got my kit together and made my way to the studio. Had to get in my deadly hot new kicks in frame - been meaning to blog these since my last trip to Germany. Some silly, lovely shots. Here's one of 'em:

Nice work Koax. Can't lie tho, the shoot tired me OUT!! I took it as a sign. But glad to say I ended my week on a high. I proved to myself that though I'm silent, I'm still Sweezy! And that helped to ease my frustrations ;D

My 3 weeks Mute is nearly up (but considering the working title for my album (not telling just yet) The Mute Diaries may continue beyond next week - who knows..) Gonna see Mr Doctor Man next week so wish me luck. Until then, I might venture to Busaba again for the best Calamari in town. Otherwise, I'll be chillin' and keep chatting to my peeps on text and online.

Mark Force asked me if I reckoned there was a Lost and Found for voices! I replied with this - some fun I clocked this week:

All I'm sayin' is, I better sound like Chaka Khan after this ;D

xxx Congratulations to my friend AJ who had her baby girl on Friday xxx

1 comment:

Incisive said...

Dont worry hun - your voice will be back sooner than later - i feel ur pain though...

Love the blog

Check mine!


holla sometime! - still waiting for a blackberry add from ya !