

Wednesday 28 January 2009

THE MUTE DIARIES Entry 12: Money Ship and Marbles

Its a taxing time, or so they say.

The sight of Moyra Stewart sitting in a domestic cupboard, reminding people of their deadlines got me thinking about the (hate this term, but...) credit crunch.

Yes, for many, the money-go-round has come to a grinding halt, and how it seems the money ship has sailed!!

Sorry, but... GOOD!! OK, not good when its hit so many people and affects so many lives - that is bad. But I cant lie, I have been craving for the bright side of this whole "depression" to come about for YEARS people... YEEEEEEAAAARRRSS!!!

Let me explain.... Aside from the fact that they are trying to abolish money and bring in electronic trading only (ie oyster/credit - soon to be what I call "chip'n'skin"), I think to my childhood and remember that I didnt have much luxury. And I was cool with that cos I found stuff to do without having to be rich. In fact, I was having a clear-out and look what I found...

...A clock I made and some artwork I did...

The back...

Painting. Err... guess I kinda liked Wu Tang?!

Then it all changed. All of a sudden, everyone had to have everything. Now. All of a sudden, an egg and cress sandwich became 'Organic Free-Range Young Hen Eggs with Orgasmic Hill-side Free-Range-Cow-Dung Cultivated Cress on a multi-seed Stoneground Wholegrain Organic medium-sliced Bloomer with a hint of authentically sourced Dijon Mustard... blah blah blah...'

Growing up, it had never sunk in to me that NOT having a wide-screen HD TV, or NOT driving an A3 or up, or NOT having an iPod or iPhone, made me somehow poor, or less fortunate.

I dont know what triggered it, but luxury became standard. Dont get me wrong... I bought into it when I felt able (when I wasnt buying studio equipment or spending on recording), cos we all wanna progress, so I upgraded my life too. Guess it comes down to need versus want.

Another thing that made me really wonder was when someone would try to make you feel like less of a person than them, if they had... say, a 'better' job, or more 'power' or more money than you did. This is how they would define their worth as a person, VERSUS you. I wonder how many of these people are now when they find themselves without all the trimmings, like the people they had once looked down on. So what defines them now? How much are they worth? Less? More? Or the same? I guess that one's for arguments' sake.

More artwork from back when for you to contemplate along to...

It is a harsh situation... people are losing their jobs every day. But I cant help but hope this whole "depression" will mean that as more houses are repossessed, and people get evicted, that it may do something good for society and bring families back together (that, or the crime rate is about to go up...), and re-teach people how to rely on each other... community I guess. That can combat seclusion WAY better than Facebook!

Instead of making people depressed, perhaps the crunch will go a little way to restoring... sanity?? All I know is when I cleared out a bunch of crap I didnt need, it allowed me to find something I had lost...

...my marbles.

(Then, Ace sees this backless dress...

and sinks into denial! LOL.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i get a feeling of intrigue after enjoying this blog entry miss songs...

ive been having a battle of thought too when this recession is mentioned on the news constantly (ive become an old man with radio 4 on my car radio due to when i leave and on the way to work i like the fact its just talking..and always pretty calm and generally factual or a two sided debate)

Anyway...i was thinking/hoping they'd let some of these banks go bust....instead of the public bailing them out so the MD's can drive around in maserati's. And then yeah prices can go down ..i can buy a house, record music and take over the world!

ah....i let myself down there at the end

ok so it would be so we could all take a deep breath..realise that lifes gone at a bonkers speed in the last 200 years..and a unifying glow can spread back into England and the world like a barack obama speech

great reading ..and as always refreshing


oh and i seem to remember making a clock like that too ...all be it not as cool as the Wu...